10 Great Research Questions To Ask A Genealogist
- At November 09, 2015
- By admin
- In genealogy
Interested in Family History? But not sure what to ask a Genealogist?
Then check out this great list we prepared just for You.
10 Great Research Questions To Ask A Genealogist.
Who are my ancestor’s parents?
We all have that one ancestor that no one seems to know where they came from or who their parents were. It’s as if they just appeared one day. Searching for an ancestor’s parents can be a great research project for a genealogist who has the local knowledge and expertise to extend your family tree further back in time and shed light on some of those unanswered questions.
Where did my ancestors come from?
Most of our immigrant ancestors arrived in the US in the 19th and early 20th Century during one of the many waves of immigration. We may know where they lived here in the US, but aren’t exactly sure where they started out in life. You may know an ethnicity, or possibly a country – but maybe the town, commune, townland, parish, or shtetl still remains elusive. Searching for an ancestor’s origins can be immensely rewarding – reconnecting you to a culture and history that may not have made it down through the generations.
How long has my family livedĀ in the US?
Some people have ancestors that arrived as early as the Mayflower and others may only be second generation Americans. Discovering when your ancestors arrived in the US and how long they have been here helps to connect them to the historical events in America’s past. Adding this historical context can broaden your understanding of your ancestors and help paint a picture of the times within which they lived.
What professions did my ancestors have?
What we do for a living is a huge part of our lives. The same was true for our ancestors. Delving into the professions of your ancestors can provide a certain depth to who they were and how they lived. Tales of hardships and struggles or stories of success and fame can make your ancestors more relatable and help you understand how successive generations were influenced. You may even discover interesting connections between your ancestors’ professions and your own.
What did my ancestors die from?
You may have a general idea of how some of your ancestors died, but getting specific details can be intriguing and, even more importantly, life saving. Knowledge of the diseases, ailments, or sicknesses that affected your ancestors could help you take preventive measures for you and your family’s health. Uncovering a pronounced history of heart attack or stroke among your ancestors could make a tremendous difference in your own life.
Did my ancestors serve in the military?
Military service can reveal a great deal about an ancestor – stories of courage, strength, fortitude and sacrifice. Whether the Revolutionary War or the Vietnam War, these events impacted everyone in the US at the time – both the soldier and their families. Discovering your ancestor’s military service can provide a way for you to honor them and keep their memory and sacrifice alive for future generations to appreciate.
How many siblings did my ancestors have?
Too often beginner family historians only focus on their direct ancestors. Many families had multiple children. Branching out to the siblings of your ancestors can put you in touch with extended members of your family. Second, third, fourth and fifth cousins could be out there right now waiting to be discovered. These new-found cousins could provide you with new family relationships, stories, research leads or even pictures you never knew existed.
Where are my ancestors buried?
Locating the final resting place for ancestors can provide a great opportunity to show your respect, honor and gratitude for all they accomplished, achieved and overcame to pave the way for you to live the life you now have. Visiting that cemetery and seeing that headstone often brings your family’s story full circle and allows for a certain sense of closure.
Did my ancestors own a house or land?
Land ownership was an important goal for most of our ancestors – whether it was several hundred acres in the woods or a small corner lot in town. Tracking the land your ancestors may have bought and sold could reveal a lot about their entrepreneurial spirit and their economic status. Each story we discover can further bring your ancestors to life – stories of success along with the failures. The loss of a house during the depression can be just as interesting as an ancestor who received a 160 acre land grant in the Midwest.
What religion were my ancestors?
You may assume that your ancestors practiced the same religion you currently do, but that may not be the case. Each of us has 32 great-great-great grandparents – that’s a lot of ancestors. It’s likely some of them differing faiths. Determining the religion of your ancestors can reveal a lot about their traditions, culture and even their everyday lives. You may even find ancestors of different faiths who inter-married. Marrying outside your faith at a time when it was frowned upon could say a lot about those ancestors and the love they shared.
Now that you have read through these questions, which one do you want to ask us?
As genealogists we want to provide more than just facts and figures. Our goal is to discover the stories and moments that enrich the narrative of your ancestors’ lives. You are connected to a rich tradition of love, faith, perseverance and survival. Your roots run deep.
You can check out all our genealogy and family history services here: GENEALOGY.
We wish you the greatest success in Discovering UR History!